September 28, 2023

Title: Love and Lepak: Malay-inspired Tips for a Long-lasting Relationship

long-lasting relationship


Cinta tak cukup dengan satu hari, kasih tak boleh disia-siakan (Love is not enough for one day, love cannot be wasted). This Malay proverb encapsulates the essence of a long-lasting relationship. In this blog post, we’ll explore the secrets of successful relationships while infusing a pinch of Malay culture. Get ready to spice up your love life with these dating tips that will make your heart go “berbunga-bunga” (blossom)!


1. Teman Baik is the Key

In Malay culture, a strong friendship forms the foundation of a healthy relationship. Being friends with your partner means having their back, sharing laughter, and accepting their flaws. Take time to appreciate each other’s qualities and invest in building a strong bond.

2. Silaturrahim for a Harmonious Union

Silaturrahim, a Malay term meaning to maintain good relations, is vital for a long-lasting relationship. It involves regularly connecting with each other’s families and friends, demonstrating care and respect. Celebrate festive occasions together, visit relatives, and engage in community events. These activities strengthen your relationship with loved ones, creating a sense of togetherness.

3. Serious Talk, Hati-hati

When it comes to dating, communication is key. To ensure a lasting relationship, speak from the heart and express your feelings. But remember, hati-hati (be careful) not to hurt the other person with your words. Talk openly about your expectations, dreams, and concerns. Honesty and empathy pave the way for a deeper connection.

4. Jom (Let’s) Lepak!

In Malay culture, “lepak” means to chill or relax. It’s essential to take time out from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, relax together, and have fun. Engage in activities that both of you enjoy, such as picnics, trying out new restaurants, or exploring nature. Sharing joyful moments builds delightful memories and strengthens your bond.

5. Mempertahankan Rasa (Maintaining the Spark)

A long-lasting relationship requires effort in keeping the romance alive. Surprise your partner with little gestures of love, such as surprise dates, heartfelt messages, or small gifts. Explore new experiences together, like cooking a Malaysian dish, attending cultural events, or learning a traditional dance. These endeavors keep the spark alive and create beautiful shared memories.


A long-lasting relationship is like a well-crafted tapestry, woven with love, friendship, and shared experiences. By incorporating these Malay-inspired dating tips into your journey, you can nurture a lasting bond that stands the test of time. Remember, relationships require continuous effort, understanding, and a genuine desire to create a meaningful connection. With these tips, you’re ready to embark on a romantic journey that will make both your heart and soul sing.


  1. How can I convince my partner to be friends first before dating?
  2. Start by fostering a deeper connection through shared interests and meaningful conversations. Emphasize the value of trust, loyalty, and emotional support that come with a strong friendship. Show them the benefits of building a solid foundation before diving into a romantic relationship.

  3. What can I do to keep the romance alive in a long-term relationship?

  4. Surprise your partner with spontaneous acts of love, plan regular date nights, and keep the element of surprise alive. Explore new activities, share adventures, and make an effort to understand each other’s love languages. Communication and small gestures play a significant role in keeping the romance alive.

  5. How can I balance my cultural heritage with my partner’s different background?

  6. Embrace the beauty of multiculturalism by actively engaging in each other’s customs and traditions. Celebrate diverse festivals together, learn each other’s languages, and share experiences from your cultural backgrounds. Create a harmonious blend of both your heritages and cherish the richness it brings to your relationship.